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Therapeutic Bookstore
"Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for them".
-Maya Angelou
These books are not a substitute for therapy.
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The Black Elegance Project:
Modern Black Etiquette for Modern Black Excellence
The Black Friendship Project:
Modern Black Etiquette for Modern Black Excellence
The Black Excellence Project: Modern Black Etiquette for Modern Black Excellence is an etiquette guide and workbook for teens and young adults from a Black perspective. This book is an elegant journey into how anyone can glow-up and level-up by refining their social skills and presence in this world.

The Black Excellence Project: Modern Black Etiquette for Modern Black Excellence is an etiquette guide and workbook for teens and young adults from a Black perspective. This book is an elegant journey into how anyone can glow-up and level-up by refining their social skills and presence in this world.

The Hole in My Heart
How to help children cope with parental grief and loss.
The Germ: How to Talk to Children About Racism and Diversity
How to explain racism and hate to young children.
Giving Up is Not Whats Up:
A book about hope, resilience and choosing life over everything (suicide and self-harm prevention).
Briana and the Bully Buster Brigade:
A book about bully prevention.
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